Thunder Stone Mobile Notary

Innovating Signatories Driving Only Hybrid or Electric Automobiles

No More Expensive Gas Fees. Over 8000 Notarizations Since 2010.

Contact (951) 525 1340

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Temecula has an incredible history. The hillsides were the home of the Temecula Indians, the first residents of the area. Ancestors of the Temecula Indians were in this area as early as 900 A.D. The native people from here to the coast who shared the same language and culture became commonly known as the Luiseños, because many of their villages were once under the influence of Mission San Luis Rey.

Luiseño history begins with the creation of all things at 'Éxva Teméeku and the surrounding places. The name 'Éxva (EXH-vah) can be translated as a “place of sand” and Teméeku (Teh-MEH-koo) meaning “sun place.” 'Éxva Teméeku is where their Origin Story and ancestral songs say Túukumit (TOO-koo- mit, Father Night Sky) and Tamáayawut (Ta-MAI-yah-whoot, Mother Day Earth) created the world. The Sun, Temét (teh-MET), was a gift brought by Túukumit to Tamáayawut. When Túukumit and Tamáayawut became one, their first offspring were earth and sand, which in Luiseño are 'éxla (EXH-la) and 'éxval (EXH-vol).

Jason Anderson Notary Public Serves the City of Temecula

Contact (951) 525 1340

Thunderstone Mobile Notary has performed 103 notarizations in the City of Temecula since 2010.